This is the selected object's name. Enter text here.
Click this radio button to specify that images sent to the printer or Clipboard are bit-mapped images.
This is the selected output style.
Click this radio button to specify that images sent to the printer or Clipboard are rendered as polygons.
This is the selected output style.
Click this radio button to specify a PICT file that can be opened by 24-bit graphics applications.
This is the selected output style.
Click this radio button to specify a PICT file that can be opened by Claris' MacDraw and other object-oriented applications.
This is the selected output style.
Click this radio button to specify a PICT file that can be opened by Electronic Arts' Studio/8 and other graphics applications.
This is the selected output style.
Click this radio button to specify an EPS file that can be opened by Adobe Illustrator.
This is the selected output style.
Click this radio button to specify a file ant can be opened by Microsoft's Excel or any other application that can read text files. All of the fields in the Info dialog boxes are saved as tab-delimited text.
This is the selected output style.
Click this radio button to specify a text file that can be opened by Pixar's RenderMan or any other application that can read text files.
This is the selected output style.
Click this radio button to specify a text file that can be opened by AutoDesk's AutoCAD or any other application that can import this file format or that can read text files.
This is the selected output style.
Click this radio button to specify that the image be displayed on screen without the menu bar, windows, or too palette.
This is the selected output style.
Click this radio button to specify that the image be displayed on screen in 24-bit color mode without the menu bar, windows, or too palette.
This is the selected output style.
These radio buttons determine what type of information Swivel sends to the printer or Clipboard. Paint-type is for bit-mapped image. Draw-type is for procedurally rendered polygons.
These radio buttons determines what file type is specified when exporting a Swivel image.
Click this radio button to set the number of colors in the Color palette to one.
This is current number of colors in the Color palette.
Click this radio button to set the number of colors in the Color palette to two.
This is current number of colors in the Color palette.
Click this radio button to set the number of colors in the Color palette to four.
This is current number of colors in the Color palette.
Click this radio button to set the number of colors in the Color palette to eight.
This is current number of colors in the Color palette.
Click this radio button to set the number of colors in the Color palette to sixteen.
This is current number of colors in the Color palette.
This dialog box is for reconfiguring the Color palette.
These radio buttons set the number of colors that appear in the Color palette.
This dialog box is for reconfiguring the Color palette.
Click this radio button to set the number of points around the oval (polygon) to six.
This is the current number of points around the oval.
Click this radio button to set the number of points around the oval (polygon) to eight.